The vision of InterVarsity International Student Ministry (ISM) is to develop and send global disciples and leaders from every nation to every nation.
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Looking for tips and guidance on specific cultural groups? Check out these 3x3 quick guides.

Are you looking for hands-on training to help your students in cross-cultural evangelism? You can find three case studies with leader’s notes here.

You have a globally diverse team of leaders. Now you need to help your team partner across cultures. Use these three case studies with your leadership teams.

Do you have multinational non-Christian friends who are interested in Jesus? This user-friendly guide includes cultural background, maps, a leader’s guide and more. No leadership or previous Scripture study experience needed.

12 key topics with inductive Bible study, memory verse, and a spiritual discipline and/or practical act of obedience that help multinational students internalize lessons.

Do you want to help students or volunteers grow in cross-cultural evangelism or see more international students come to faith?

DBS is a Bible study method that is being used in settings around the world, among both non-believers and believers. it is extremely simple, which aids replication. Even after a first DBS, it would be easy to turn and facilitate the study with another person…and that’s the point! By keeping it simple—no, really simple—there is a better chance that they will pass it on. Each element teaches an aspect of discipleship and being the church, as you can see below.

Do you want to walk along your international friend on their journey towards Jesus? Do you want to share the Gospel effectively with them?
Journey to Jesus is a tool designed for a Christian and their non-Christian friend to walk through together. It helps non-Christians identify where they are on their journey towards Jesus and dialogue with their Christian friends along the way.

Use this toolkit to make outreach and follow up with international students easier. Includes FAQ & templates for follow up messages.

The United States hosts more international students than any other country. As North American Christians, we have an unprecedented opportunity to develop friendships with international students—to be God’s ambassadors
without leaving home.