Scott Bessenecker is Director of Global Engagement and Justice for InterVarsity. He has written several books including The New Friars: The Emerging Movement Serving the World’s Poor and Overturning Tables: Freeing Missions from the Christian Industrial Complex.
Content created by this author:

This resource will equip you to share the good news of Jesus through the concept of the gospel as a place where peace with God, others, self, and creation exists.

Does God care about our jobs? This 8-week small group series explores the intersection between God and our future careers.

Learn to become a student of Jesus at your workplace, in your neighborhood, and with your relationships this summer through this six-week guide.

Conflict is complex and a normal part of life. If you have conflict in your small group, it’s a good sign that your group is safe enough to have tension. Conflict, when addressed and resolved, grows the small group closer and healthier, as well as helps everyone in the group mature in emotional and spiritual health. This will help that process.

Going on a Global Program? This fillable PDF guide will help you process your overseas ministry experience, before, during, and after your trip.