Global Program Journal Guide
Excited to go on a Global Program?
Traveling to learn and serve overseas can be a life-changing experience. This guide is meant to be a companion, prompting you to consider what is happening relationally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
From preparing to go to returning back on campus, this will walk you through critical tools and questions to help you get the most out of your experience.
What's inside?
- Entry posture: The reflection questions will get you thinking about your expectations and how you're entering in, and there are questions about the new context that can help you take on a learning posture as you enter a new culture.
- Orientation: Three Bible studies in Luke 9-10 will help orient you upon arrival.
- Processing guides: During your experience, there are key opportunities to process what you are discovering about yourself, your hosts and their culture, and God. So much occurs each day that will be lost if there are not opportunities for reflection. This is a space to hold those reflections so that you can maximize the growth you are bound to experience.
- Debrief: You'll have the opportunity to chart your summer experience through a variety of lenses and to debrief through Bible studies.
- Returning well: This section equips you to come back to your home and your campus having encountered God and God’s people in ways that will shape who you are becoming.
Don’t let your overseas experience become just another way we consume or exploit the world for our own benefit. Use the Global Program Journal Guide to leverage this experience to become a better global citizen and member of God’s global family.
This resource has been tested and approved by InterVarsity’s National Strategy & Innovation team for campus ministry. Explore more resources by visiting the Accelerated Small Group Bible Study Collection.