Women Scholars and Professionals
If you are a woman in graduate school, you are in such an exciting place! God has called, led, and equipped you for this stage in your journey. At the same time — it can be really hard. You might experience particular challenges that your male colleagues don’t experience.
Would you like to connect with a group of likeminded women in similar situations? Women Scholars and Professionals would love to be part of your graduate school experience. We are a community of women — graduate and professional students, and faculty and administrators — on campuses spread around the US — (the world, really!).
Visit our website to find written words that remind us that we’re not alone, offering fresh ideas and relatable experiences.
We hope to connect with you soon! We’d love to have you sign up for our weekly newsletter here to stay up on the latest.

Our best insights, recommendations, and advice from faculty ministry experts on how to meet and connect well with faculty during New Student & Faculty Outreach, and beyond.

Our best insights, recommendations and advice on connecting well with women in the university from ministry experts from InterVarsity’s Women in the Academy and Professionals.