What is New Student Outreach?
New Student Outreach (NSO) is InterVarsity’s effort to reach and warmly welcome freshmen and other new students on campus at the start of the school year. It’s a key season of ministry to kick off the year with intention and hospitality.
“I’m really nervous about making friends in college. Most of my friends I’ve known since elementary school, but in college, I won’t know anyone. I want to make friends and feel at home.”
Incoming Freshman in Wisconsin
The beginning of the school year has arguably the most potential for life-changing ministry. It’s when non-Christian students are the most open to saying yes to Jesus. Plan your NSO with the steps below.

Plan Your NSO
Use the interactive NSO Calibrator and NSO Scorecard! It’ll give you a tailored plan based on how you want to see your ministry grow this year.
More than a winning strategy, more than having the most fun and engaging events on campus, prayer is the foundation of a successful NSO! Pray for your NSO by walking through this guide (can be adapted to be done by yourself or with others).
Gather your leadership team before the school year gets underway to cast vision and intercede for NSO. Use this template as a loose schedule you can customize.
Start by learning how to invite well — to an outreach event, Bible study, or to follow Jesus — whatever you want to focus your NSO around. Take our Ministry Playbook course on Inviting Well!
Tabling during your school’s organization fair or in a space you can reserve on campus is a great way to meet students. As they approach your table, you’ll get to know them and invite them to explore Jesus with you.
Hosting an Interest Table Guide
You might opt for using an artistic display to start spiritual conversations and share the gospel with new students. We call these Proxes. Consider using our newest Proxe with a video and Bible study resources: Questions.
Deepen Relationships
Follow-up is essential for sustaining and growing relationships while giving others invitations to take next steps in faith. Take our Ministry Playbook Course to learn the best ways to follow up with students!
Debriefing NSO will help you celebrate the ways God has been faithful and help you more effectively serve the campus in the future. Check out this guide to learn how to lead life-changing debriefs!