Masters of Business Administration Ministry
MBA Ministry partners with MBA students and faculty. Today’s MBA students will shape tomorrrow's business community, arguably one of the most influential institutions in our culture. How would your community be changed by students transformed by God in their MBA programs? Imagine companies run by Christians who apply business acumen and godly wisdom as they serve customers, employees, and investors. Imagine ministries and causes for God’s Kingdom enhanced by more MBA alumni committed to life-long service. Imagine business leaders alive in their relationships with Christ and guided by the Spirit using their influence in every facet of life: home, church, work, and community. Imagine how our whole world might flourish with more Christian leadership.

Does God care about our jobs? This 8-week small group series explores the intersection between God and our future careers.

Our best insights, recommendations, and advice from MBA ministry experts on how to connect well with MBA students during new Student Outreach.