The Faculty Gatherings Toolkit
This toolkit provides everything needed to gather faculty/administrators/staff to launch a community of faculty following Jesus together on campus including a guide and template for hosting a first faculty gathering, and resources for further gatherings.
Who: Faculty/Administrators/Staff who love Jesus and are open to what God might do on campus.
What: Gather, discern and pray how God’s renewing this campus. Cast vision for following Jesus together through the Faculty 4 Loves:
- Love God/one another
- Love your campus
- Love your academic discipline
- Love our world
When: Find a time that a quorum can meet. Early morning or lunch can be good times. Ask for a 45-minute meeting and keep to that time.
Where: Somewhere that feels safe and hospitable—someone’s office, a conference room, someone’s home, a church.
Why: Because where two to three are gathered in Christ’s name, He is present, promises to answer prayer, and the “magic” of Christian community and shared vision happens.
If you have any questions regarding the resources on this page, please contact us.
An Introduction to Faculty Ministry
A video to cast vision for what God can do when faculty gather together and great way to introduce the Faculty 4 Loves to a new group.
Resources for Gatherings
First Faculty Gathering Action List and Timeline
What to do as you prepare to host your first faculty gathering.
View Action List and Timeline (pdf)
First Faculty Gathering Sample Email Invitation and Follow Up Email
Two suggested emails that you could use—feel free to draft your own!
First Faculty Gathering Meeting Template
A minute by minute guide for running your first faculty gathering.
View First Meeting Template (pdf) View Sign-Up Sheet Template (pdf)
"Teach Us To Pray" Prayer Group Guide
The “Teach Us to Pray” template can be used for prayer groups that meet for either 15 minutes or 30 minutes. The guide for leaders includes tips on how to lead a good prayer meeting.
View Teach Us to Pray template (pdf) View Prayer Guide for Leaders (pdf)
Square Inch Seminar Meeting Guide
Square Inch Seminars include short “TED” like talks that share about following Jesus on your "square inch." The template shows you how to hold a 45 minute Square Inch Seminar (that includes one Square Inch Testimony). The Square Inch testimony guide provides reflection questions and tips on how to write a 5-10 minute Square Inch Testimony.
View the Square Inch Seminar Meeting Guide
Faculty 4 Loves Bible Study Guides
Four short Bible studies on the Faculty Four Loves. Some groups choose to do a study one week, apply it the next and pray over it the third—giving enough material for a whole semester.
View the Faculty 4 Loves Bible Study Page
Faculty 4 Loves Reading List
Suggested books for a faculty book group.
View the Faculty 4 Loves Reading List
The Harvard Inklings
A Faculty Small Group Experiment
Additional Faculty Meeting Content from Emerging Scholars Network
Our ministry partner, Emerging Scholars Network (ESN) has compiled a full semester of short devotional readings for new faculty groups to use as discussion topics in their on-going meetings. This collection of great articles comes from their Scholar's Compass article series.