I spent years in Spiritual Direction school studying discernment. I personally believe that the biblical discernment gift is the root of the intercession gift. Intercessors discern between spirits – evil and good, demonic, and angelic. Discernment can also be between multiple goods. What is God’s will for a certain ministry/minister amongst the myriad of approaches they could take to their given mission field? Discernment helps us to know what our “yes’s” and our “no’s” are in ministry.
When you engage in praying together for an InterVarsity staff’s ministry you are really helping the staff in the art of discernment. What is God saying? Doing? Wanting from us? There are petitions for sure, but deeper than petitions we are trying to discern the movements of the Spirit so we can cooperate with them. Can we be mistaken? Of course. As always when we are growing, we are dependent upon the guidance and grace of our Lord. But discernment is a gift we can grow up in.
My life experience has taught me that discernment is best done in community and, of course, submitted to the truth of the scriptures. That is why your prayer circle of intercessor meeting together on Zoom or in person is so important. As the Lord speaks, and as we seem to hear, we can look for commonality, the prayer of agreement as some call it. We can together test what we are hearing submitted to the truth of the scriptures.
It is no surprise to you all that the church in America right now is losing an entire generation. I will just be bold to say it. Now more than ever we need sharp discernment to know how to share Jesus’ love and truth to a hurting student generation.
Listen to the video testimony below. It is more than worth your time.
Here is an example of the staff worker, the students, the supervisor, and the intercessors all working together to discern and follow the Spirit’s guidance. And my oh my, did He ever guide. Watch it and be encouraged. This is what we long for for this generation.
Thank you for praying for the ministry of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. Like in the video, may a generation of students find Him anew.