Praying with People for their Needs
Prayer ministry is a specific way we can have focused intercession with and for the need of a friend. The most crucial element is that you are listening together for how God might want to address that need. Just like any form of prayer, it can be done by anyone. This resource can help you structure your time and experience in prayer ministry.
Key Scriptures: Psalm 27:10; Mark 10:46–52; John 4:43–54; Colossians 2:13–15; Ephesians 6:10–20
Excerpt from pages 22-23 of InterVarsity's Prayer Booklet, which is available for purchase in full at our store!
View Prayer Ministry Resource (pdf)
Hear and Understand (2–3 min)
1. Start with the Question “What would you like Jesus to do for you?”
This will help the person clearly and succinctly share his or her need.
2. Ask any Clarifying Questions that would help you know how to pray.
A. Don’t attempt to give advice.
B. Don’t get into a long conversation.
C. Become comfortable with each other and put the person at ease.
3. Explain the Prayer Time
A. Mention that you will be listening together.
B. Tell him or her you may ask if he or she is seeing, hearing, or thinking about something. That could be God speaking.
C. Explain that it’s fine if he or she isn’t experiencing anything.
D. Encourage him or her to keep his or her eyes closed and focused on God.
E. Ask if it is okay for you to touch him or her.
1. Begin the Prayer Time (Done by the prayer minister.)
A. Invite the Holy Spirit to come and acknowledge his presence.
B. Speak truth about God during the opening prayer.
2. Listen in Prayer (30 sec–1 min)
A. Listen together for:
I. Scripture
II. Images
III. thoughts/phrases IV. memories
B. Ask the individual if he or she is hearing or sensing anything from Jesus.
C. Share with humility and appropriate qualifiers what you heard from God.
3. Pray around what you've heard
The prayer minister allows what has surfaced to direct his or her prayers.
4. Invite the Person to Respond to God The prayer minister makes space for the person to take the next appropriate step.
A. Confess or repent
B. Process emotion
C. Ask questions
D. Reject lies; receive truth
E. Ask God for further clarification
5. Repeat 2–4
Encourage (2–3 min)
1. Note any Next Steps of Obedience or Help.
The prayer minister may debrief by asking the individual what he or she has heard and what next steps may be important to take.
2. Remind Him or Her of any Scriptures or Words from God
Feel free to write them down.
3. Bless Him or Her as God's Child
possibly with anointing oil if he or she is interested. Say that the oil represents the presence of the Lord.
4. Send Him or Her back into the Mission Field
This may depend on the person, but many people can go back to serving the Lord as he brings healing into their lives.
Excerpt from pages 22-23 of InterVarsity's Prayer Booklet, which is available for purchase in full at our store!
View Prayer Ministry Resource (pdf)
Note: This resource is part of a free online course in The Ministry Playbook, “Cultivating Intimacy with God” which is designed to help new small group leaders see what a life-changing, thriving small group can be. Learn more and take the course here.