Retreat: Let Faith Arise!

joyful leap

In him and through faith in him (Christ Jesus) we may approach God with freedom and confidence. (Eph 3:12)

The world around us has drastically changed in this season. Whether we feel overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, or bored (or all of them)—we need to hear from God. It’s by hearing him, being in his presence, and marinating in his Word, that faith has the opportunity to rise and lead. This guide offers four periods of prayer. Take the time you have available and spend roughly equal  time on each period (but feel free to improvise).


  • Take a moment to settle in, pick a comfortable chair or a favorite spot on your rug, and close your eyes. 
  • Take a deep breath in, hold it for a few seconds, and exhale out. Do this again a few more times. 
  • Give this time to the Lord. Put away all distractions, try not to have music playing, and just breathe in the silence. 
  • If it’s helpful, make a list of the things that are spinning around in your mind and then set it aside; they will be there after this  time with God. Make being with Jesus your main priority right now. 
  • The Lord Jesus is near; he is joining you this very moment. Take a few minutes to acknowledge his presence, thank him for  being with you, and welcome him into this space.

Period 1: Remember

Remembering can build faith as we reflect on God’s goodness, faithfulness, and perseverance to love and lead us well.

  • Remember a time when Jesus has been faithful to you. Pay attention to what the Holy Spirit brings to mind. Feel free to write and list these moments. (It doesn’t need to be exhaustive, just what comes to mind.) What stands out about Jesus’ faithfulness in your life? 
  • Remember a time when you were filled with faith. If you’re having a hard time remembering, ask the Holy Spirit to help you remember and then listen. What strikes you about that moment (s) of faith?

Period 2: Step into Scripture

Our imagination is a gift from God and can be used to bring us closer to him. Let’s jump into Luke’s beautiful narrative to imagine Jesus, the centurion, and those surrounding them that day.


  • Read Luke 7:1–10 slowly. 
  • On the second time reading through the passage, begin to visualize the scene. Imagine the different men going to Jesus on behalf of this centurion’s request for his servant. Imagine Jesus receiving the invitation and heading toward the house where the sick servant lay. Imagine what Jesus is wearing, what his demeanor is like, what expression is on his face, etc.


  • What did Jesus encounter on his journey to the centurion, and how did he respond? 
  • Where do you need Jesus right now? 
  • What in your life needs his touch and attention?


  • How have you, like the centurion, invited Jesus into this unique and unusual season? 
  • How has your faith shaped how you approach your fears, worries, and the usual and/or the unusual circumstances that surround you?

Period 3: Ask

Let’s not be afraid to ask the Lord questions, to give him space to speak. He loves to speak to us through Scripture, images,  memories, songs. (Keep in mind his voice is never condemning, nor does he bring guilt. He speaks to strengthen, encourage, and comfort you.)

  • Ask the Holy Spirit what has blocked your faith in this season. Take some time to process what you sense coming up for you. You may feel led to confess, lament, journal, etc.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit for greater understanding when it comes to faith and what it means to Jesus.

Period 4: A Prayer Activity

It’s amazing to know that God is the author and perfecter of our faith (Heb 12:2). We cannot muster up faith out of our own strength. What a relief. We can ask Jesus to empower our faith for this new context and the many new adjustments, though. Let’s try a breathing exercise:


  • Take a deep breath in and remember who Jesus is, what kind of God we follow. Bring to mind the incredible characteristics of  God. 
  • Now exhale the things that are causing worry, stress, anxiety, mood swings, etc. 
  • Again inhale promises and Scriptures of God and exhale the drama, the lack of control, the confusion, and the lingering  questions.

Oh Jesus, I place my faith in you, my rock, my salvation. May you renew my faith during this time, and may you author new confidence and trust in you in this season. Please bless my faith to rise and lead.

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