Find a day before the beginning of the new academic year where you can spend a day with God. Each section of the retreat has approximate times. In its entirety, the approximations amount to a full day. But you can break it up if that seems better to you. Consider breaking the retreat up, if you need to, after "Letting Go and Holding Fast."
Think about going to a park, a retreat center, a simple room in a friend's house, or your church sanctuary. Most importantly, find a place where you have little interruption or distractions.
Consider inviting some friends or your team to join you, either to be together in-person or virtually. Most of the time you'll be alone with the One who loves you like no other, but make use of a check in time at the beginning of the day to pray briefly with one another, and at the end of the day to debrief, and so deepen your experience.
Bring your bible, journal, a pen. Since, you'll be doing some reflection, having your calendar or photos you have taken over this year may be helpful. You'll want to put your phone on airplane mode or silent.
Beginning: 5-10 mins
Gathering up the broken pieces: 30-45 mins
Seeing the big picture: 30-45 mins
Letting go and holding fast*: 45-60 mins
Toward integration: 45-60 min
Pause to deepen: 45-60 min
Conclusion: 30-45 mins
*Possible break here into a second day.