Seeds of Hope

seed of hope

We have all been through a lot in this past season, haven't we? It can be overwhelming and exhausting to navigate our way through the amounts of loss, disappointment, and chaos we have all experienced in 2020. Covid 19, racial violence and tension, natural disasters, political division and unrest, social isolation, and pivoting constantly in ministry and personal life. Not to mention additional personal losses you may have endured in this time. 

Have you been asking any of these questions? 

  • Could anything good come from this? 
  • What could possibly grow in this season?
  • What is God doing in the midst of so much pain and loss?
  • How do I even pray right now? What do I say?

If you've found yourself asking these questions, you're in the right place.

God often uses agricultural metaphor in the Bible to describe the process of spiritual transformation. Any gardener will tell you that a harvest begins with a single seed. And that seed gets planted in the ground, dies, and transforms into a plant that grows and multiplies with life.

This Seeds of Hope series was created to help you consider the process of growth that happens in the hidden place of our hearts. The places within us where grief, anxiety, anger, and confusion may abound. It may not look like much good is happening on the surface of our lives these days, but we can trust that God is always at work growing something beyond what we can see with our eyes.

My prayer is that as you take the time to pray and reflect through this guide and related material, that God will meet you and uncover what He might be doing under the soil of suffering in your life and in our world.

Resource Topic - Primary
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