Studies in Spiritual Resilience

Studies in Spiritual Resilience

Series Introduction

The news on our feeds can often feel like we’re moving from one crisis to the next: hurricanes, political polarization and scandals—just to name a few.  This seemingly never-ending cycle brings disruption into the world, our communities, friendships, families, and our internal well-being. As we wonder how to feel our feelings and be resilient, it helps to look to people who have gone before us into seasons of trouble.

This series of Bible studies are excerpts of letters from the first parents of Christian faith to communities of new Christians. All were experiencing trial, hardship, famine, persecution, and even plagues. May the Holy Spirit‘s voice through their ancient words mentor us as we hold our souls and each other.

A pastoral word: these studies and their questions are guidelines to help small groups look for Jesus together. If the Holy Spirit leads you towards a different way than the questions here, you have every freedom to go there. Pray for wisdom (James 1:5), listen for God’s leadership, and follow. Trust God will give you the way forward.

These small group Bible studies point us and our communities towards Jesus and our neighbors when the problems of our lives, culture and world feel overwhelming. We often feel the temptation to enter into denial or panic, to self-medicate or self-soothe. However, cultivating intimacy with God, yielding to God’s leadership, and practicing faithfulness in the places God has called us develops resiliency and helps us become more like Jesus.


An Adjusted Prayer of St. Francis

Let this slightly modified version of a classic prayer guide you and your community through this series and in the season ahead.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace

Where there is fear, let me sow love Where there is isolation, friendship

Where there is panic, faith

Where there is despair, hope

Where there is darkness, light

And where there is sadness, joy

O Divine Master, grant that I may

Not so much seek to be healthy as to heal

To be comfortable, as to bring comfort

To be loved, as to love

For it is in Christ‘s giving that we receive

And it’s in His hands that we are made clean

And it’s in His death that we are born to Eternal Life



Bible Studies


Week 1

Study 1 (Romans 8:18-28)

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Week 2

Study 2 (1 Peter 5:1-11)

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Week 3

Study 3 (Phil 4:4-13)

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Week 4

Study 4 (Isaiah 46:1-7)

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Week 5

Study 5 (John 11:21-27, 32-44)

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