BCM Task Resource List
Black Campus Ministries is purposed in reaching Black students from across the African Diaspora through BCM small groups and chapters throughout the nation. To better serve our Black corners on campus, a list of tasks and resources have been compiled based on the state of your group. Our hope is that each campus will offer Black students an opportunity to be a part of a group that best fits the context of their campus.
As you continue in the document, you will notice there are three stages in the BCM group’s development. The graphic illustrates the correlation between student and staff involvement in each stage. Though there are no explicit distinctions, the recommendations in this document serve both a BCM small group and chapter context. It is our recommendation, however, that if your existing or planted group is a small group that grows to have 10 or more committed students with high ownership, you would prayerfully consider transitioning your BCM group to a chapter.
The resources included in the banks on each page break down into four categories - Bible Studies, Trainings, Discipleships, and Outreaches. These resources are a compilation of items from current and previous staff, offerings from the InterVarsity staff store, and books from InterVarsity Press. The recommendations for each stage’s resource bank are given based on the experiences of senior Black staff across the movement, and what we have learned over the years about what best serves Black students across the different chapter stages. Thus the resources are purposely separated into each stage; however, feel freedom to use the resources throughout given your chapter’s context.