Beyond Colorblind Proxe

Beyond Colorblind proxe banner

Beyond Colorblind Proxe

The Beyond Colorblind Proxe Station is designed as a catalyst for conversations around the Gospel through students' ethnic stories. Follow the link below to find everything you could need for training, promotion, set-up, and follow-up.


Proxe Snapshot: 

proxe snapshot images

Panel 1: Should we just be colorblind? 
Panel 2: What is beautiful about your culture? 
Panel 3: What is broken about your culture? 
Panel 4: John 4
Panel 5: 4 Circles


The proxe comes in three formats: traditional large panels, a pocket proxe, and an insta-GIG. All of the proxes as well as t-shirts and advertising material can be purchased or downloaded through the button below. 

The Beyond Colorblind Proxe

Resource Topic - Primary
Resource Type
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