Embodied Faith Guide
The Embodied Faith resource exists as an aid for BCM staff, students, and volunteers as we develop extraordinary Black leaders and establish Embodied Faith communities on community college campuses, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and Predominantly White Institutions (PWI). The Gospel of Jesus Christ is compelling to Black students when it is visible and attends to their everyday lived experiences as people of African descent. An embodied faith is core to the integrity of the Gospel we are sharing in our communities, with our words, our actions, our love, and our whole lives. The Embodied Faith Wheel (EFW) articulates the DNA of Black Campus Ministries as we seek to plant, build and grow Embodied Faith Communities of Black students.
We will share four contextualized and integral elements of Embodied Faith that we have discerned in most Black students’ faith journeys and in the culture of our Black Campus Ministries. The resource serves as a guide for building culture in your BCM and as a compass for adopting the best fit BCM resources for your context. There is no singular Black experience. Our hope is that the EFW will provide both a contextualized yet encompassing course for you to best serve your Black students from the dynamic and versatile experiences that emerge from the African diaspora.