Knowing Where Someone is Spiritually (Ministry Playbook)

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Learn how to identify where someone is spiritually to help them take the next step in their faith journey.

Walking a True Path

People don’t often become Christians in an instant. It’s a journey that takes steps. Learning to identify where people are in their spiritual journey is critical to inviting them to move toward Jesus. The Five Thresholds is a ministry framework that helps you engage with people at different points of their spiritual journey.

  • Why it's important to know where someone is spiritually
  • Learn how to discern where someone is spiritually using The Five Thresholds tool

Take the Course


Note: This course is hosted by The Ministry Playbook, which is an online learning space for students, interns, new staff, volunteers, and faculty, meant to offer the basics of campus ministry to anyone who feels called to it. This course is just one of many courses included in the Playbook. In order to take the course, you will need to create an account with The Ministry Playbook.

Resource Topic - Primary
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InterVarsity has taken 75 years of ministry experience and turned our best strategies and resources into an online learning space called the Ministry Playbook. Through our tailored courses, anyone and everyone can be equipped for campus ministry to this generation of students and faculty. 

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