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Peacemaking with Jesus: A Global Discipleship Guide
Christian international students have cross-cultural experiences and global connections that give them unique understanding and opportunities to bring biblical shalom to their worlds after they leave the university. They can introduce people to Jesus and partner with others to work for justice and reconciliation of various kinds. The series is entitled “Peacemaking with Jesus” to emphasize the necessity of living in union with Jesus and growing more like him as graduates try to make peace. An understanding of and God-given vision for biblical shalom, critical thinking skills, a biblical worldview, emotional and cultural intelligence can be helpful in preparing students to be peacemakers. Participating in a support/accountability group and getting some practice in serving along with other Christians are also critical.
In hopes of developing some of these skills and qualities in students, we have put together a global discipleship guide that enables a small group of students to dig into Scripture, culture, and practice in the context of a covenant relationship. Student groups are asked to participate in a service or justice project at least once while doing the studies. We encourage groups to consider service projects in the first discussion, but some groups may want to postpone action on this until they finish Chapter 6 on serving like Jesus. Although the studies were written with international students in mind, multinational fellowships will profit from them as well.
These studies may be done during a student’s last or next to last year before graduating, with several weeks left free for the group to do a service project together during each term. The studies can and should be led by students. The inductive Bible study method is used, so students learn a Bible study skill and get experience facilitating groups. These chapters were written to highlight some of the key points on leadership and discipleship made by International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) staff from East Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, Africa and South Asia in three videos and one in-person visit shared with ISM staff in the US in early 2022. All have been edited to take no more than an hour and require no advance work other than doing the “Respond” step from the previous week’s study.
Read Me First: Imporant Orientation for Leaders
Meeting Guides
Meeting 0 - Organizational Meeting
Get acquainted, prayerfully cast vision that lifts up Jesus, introduce the guide and the Discipleship Cycle, motivate students to do the RESPOND step and memorize the memory verse, train the students in communicating well, set the schedule for group meetings, pray together, and generate enthusiasm. Use the introductory questions and D-Cycle diagram in Chapter 1 for this meeting.
Chapter 1 - Blessed are the Peacemakers
Chapter 2 - Relationship with God, Self, and Others: Identity, Integrity, and Influence
Chapter 3 - Relationship with God: Living by the Spirit
Chapter 4 - Relationship with God: Whole Life Discipleship
Chapter 5 - Relationship with God and Others: Being Good Stewards
Chapter 6 - Relationship with Others: Serving Like Jesus
Chapter 7 - Relationship with Others: How Can We Share Jesus?
Chapter 8 - Relationship with Family & Close Friends: Forgiveness
Chapter 9 - Relationship with Others: Men and Women
Chapter 10 - Renewing of the Mind: The Importance of Truth and History
Chapter 11 - Relationship with Society: Living Justly
Chapter 12 - Relationship with Society: Combating Racism
Chapter 13 - Relationship with Society: Inter-ethnic Reconciliation
Chapter 14 - Relationship with Society: Suffering Persecution and Isolation
Chapter 15 - Relationship with Society: Facilitating Lasting Change
Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations marked (CEB) are from the COMMON ENGLISH BIBLE. © Copyright 2011 COMMON ENGLISH BIBLE. All rights reserved. Used by permission. (www.CommonEnglishBible.com).