Refresh Small Group Series
Week 4: John 20:24-29
Read John 20:24-29 (First Nations Version)
Jesus Responds to Doubts
24 Looks Like His Brother (Thomas), one of the original twelve followers, was not there when Creator Sets Free (Jesus) showed himself to the others. 25 They told him, “We have seen the Wisdomkeeper with our own eyes.”
But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands, and put my finger into them, and put my hand into the hole in his side, I will not believe.”

26 Eight days later his followers were gathered together again, and Looks Like His Brother (Thomas) was with them. The doors were all locked, but Creator Sets Free (Jesus) came in and stood before them all.
“Peace be with you,” he said. 27 Then he turned to Looks Like His Brother (Thomas) and said, “Look closely at my hands and touch my scars with your finger. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Then put away your doubts and trust in me.”
28 “You are my Honored Chief and my Creator,” he said. 29 “Now you believe, because you have seen me?” he said to him. “A greater blessing will rest on the ones who have not seen but still believe.”
Discuss Together

- What is going on for Thomas in v. 25? Why does Jesus say this in v. 27?
- Do you think Thomas actually touches the hole in Jesus’ hand? Why or why not?
- What does Jesus mean in v. 29?
- Allowing yourself to grow in hope is an emotional risk. Why was Thomas initially unwilling to take this risk?
- What are you learning about doubt in this passage? What do you like about how Jesus addresses Thomas’ doubt?
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SPIRITUAL PRACTICE - Considering Faith in Jesus
The Gospel of John was originally written in Greek. “Believe” in the Greek can also be translated to “trust”. Jesus is inviting Thomas (and us) in verse 29 to believe in him and trust him with our lives. Let’s consider together what this means.
Download the Invitation to Faith
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