Our lives are forever marked by the COVID-19 pandemic.
This season has invited us toward deeper dependence on God and a renewed commitment to live out his justice in the world. Lamenting the limitations and losses of this season is an important step as we do the challenging work of integrating Jesus into the chaos we feel both within and surrounding us.
For many of us this season felt like a forced extended journey to an unfamiliar place we did not want to go. What should we do with this experience as we return more fully to “normal” life on campus and in our communities?
These two Bible studies were specifically written for communities who are processing the grief from the past season and are longing for God's hope and renewal as they prepare for what lies ahead. Each study contains a leader's guide that you can use to facilitate a group as well as a printable manuscript for each passage.
Study 1: Emotions and God
Psalm 42
The Psalms were first written and compiled as a communal prayer book set to music. They are ancient song lyrics that the people of God would sing or pray together as they tried to live faithfully in good times and bad. Jesus himself prayed these same prayers! The Psalms invite us to worship God, even when our hearts are slow to follow.
Download Study 1 Leader's Guide Download Psalm 42 Manuscript
Study 2: Back to "Normal" Life
Isaiah 55
The people of ancient Israel knew what it was like to long for the comfort and stability of home. Isaiah 55 is the word of God to his people in exile, calling them to return to God. Isaiah offers a window into what it may have been like for a displaced and broken people to look expectantly toward returning to their homeland and their normal way of life.
Download Study 2 Leader's Guide Download Isaiah 55 Manuscript