Sample Leadership Application

GFM Students

Sample Leadership Application

This is a sample of a leadership application for your fellowship. Please contextualize this resource to your fellowship.

[Chapter Name] Leadership Application


[Chapter Name] is a graduate student community. Our desire is to grow in our love for God, scripture, people, and our campus. We seek to bless the university and grow in our love for God and people through practices of spiritual formation, integrating our faith and work, proclaiming the good news about Jesus, and creating a community of graduate students from every ethnicity and culture. To pursue this vision effectively, we need student leaders that will contribute their gifts and passions and work as a team to discern God’s leading for chapter name and guide and plan our community events.

Executive (Exec) Team Responsibilities

Members of the exec team will discern ways to support the spiritual health and practical needs of the chapter name community. Members will:

  • Plan and attend events, pray for the chapter and our campus, and consistently attend chapter events and leadership meetings.
  • Attend church regularly.
  • Regularly pursue time with God through prayer and scripture study outside of chapter name events.

Tasks that are divided among the exec team members are, but are not limited to:

Outreach Coordinator

  • Send weekly text/emails to participants and interested participants.
  • Manage the Instagram page and all other advertising for events.
  • Ensure all new contacts are followed up with by exec team members.
  • Connect students that are in the same field of study.
  • Help the exec team plan ways to reach out to students at the beginning of each semester.
  • Coordinate service opportunities.

University Liaison

  • Register chapter name with the university.
  • Submit budget requests to the university when funding is needed.
  • Build a relationship with the Chaplain or religious life office.
  • Take notes at leadership team meetings.
  • Reserve rooms on campus when needed.

Events Coordinator

  • Coordinate details for weekly gatherings and special events.
  • Ensure events are planned well and that there are always people to help with all tasks that are needed to hold special events and regular gatherings (e.g., set up and clean up, prayer and announcements, greeters, ice breakers, etc.).

Small Group Leader

  • Work with the event coordinator to provide an authentic and welcoming environment for the weekly gathering.
  • Initiate conversation each semester with the exec team to discern what the weekly gathering will be (e.g., Bible study, book study, prayer gathering, or a combination of these).
  • Lead these weekly gatherings.

Prayer Coordinator

  • Ensure prayer remains an integral part of our chapter.
  • Lead prayer at leadership meetings and chapter prayer gatherings.
  • Create a prayer box to have at gatherings.
  • Lead prayer at weekly gatherings and events.
  • Find others to lead prayer at events and weekly gatherings.

There may be more than one person serving in each of these areas and some leaders may take on more than one role.



Aligning with InterVarsity

Please read through the Doctrinal Basis of Faith and the Four Ministry Commitments below carefully before signing to affirm your personal subscription to these beliefs and purposes.

InterVarsity’s Purpose Statement

In response to God’s love, grace, and truth: The purpose of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA is to establish and advance at colleges and universities witnessing communities of students and faculty who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord: growing in love for God, God’s word, God’s people of every ethnicity and culture, and God’s purposes in the world.

InterVarsity’s Doctrinal Statement

  • The unique divine inspiration, entire trustworthiness, and authority of the Bible.
  • The deity of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • The necessity and efficacy of the substitutionary death of Christ for the redemption of the world and the historical fact of His bodily resurrection.
  • The presence and power of the Holy Spirit in the work of regeneration.
  • The expectation of the personal return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Graduate and Faculty Ministries (GFM) Four Commitments

  • Spiritual Formation
  • Community
  • Evangelism & Service
  • Integration of Faith, Learning, & Practice

______I affirm InterVarsity’s Doctrinal Basis of faith and the Graduate Four Ministry Commitments

Type your name and the date below indicating an electronic signature


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