Spiritual Practices Handout
This handout highlights 10 spiritual practices that Dallas Willard describes in The Spirit of the Disciplines.
Some practices involve taking a step back from something or abstaining from it (“disciplines of abstinence”). Other practices require engaging (“disciplines of engagement”). We’ve included what each practice might help with and some practical ideas, but remember, it’s not a formula! God will meet us in these practices and help us to grow in the ways we need to most.
Use this for reference as inspiration in your personal discipleship or with a partner or small group. Pick a practice to try during your next small group, quiet time or plan a spiritual retreat.
Practices include:
- Solitude
- Silence
- Fasting
- Frugality
- Secrecy
- Study
- Worship
- Service
- Prayer
- Confession
This resource is part of a free online course in The Ministry Playbook, “Stepping Into Small Group Leadership” which is designed to help new small group leaders see what a life-changing, thriving small group can be. Learn more and take the course here.