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If you’re passionate about seeing more students and faculty at Urbana and want to recruit effectively, this article will give you the vision behind our new registration system, why we made these changes, and how it’s designed to make Urbana 25 more accessible and affordable.
Welcome to the February edition of your Urbana 25 Staff Update—your go-to source for everything Urbana! This month, we’re focusing on how you can inspire your students and faculty while gearing up for Phoenix.
Get a glimpse into the vision and program updates for Urbana 25. Hear from Executive Director Mark Matlock and Associate Conference Director Andy Kim as they share insights into Urbana’s role in God’s global story and what’s ahead for Urbana 25.
Equip your student leaders for transformational growth at Urbana 25 with LeadXperience. Discover what’s new, what’s familiar, and how staff play a vital role in coaching and developing the next generation of leaders.
Here’s what you need to know about joining the Urbana 25 on-site staff team, including updates, expectations, and next steps.
This recruitment toolkit equips staff with everything they need—templates, graphics, slides, and more—to inspire and mobilize students, faculty, alumni, and communities for Urbana 25.
Tools for leading a Classic Manuscript Bible Study and Inductive Proclamation.
These resources are yours to use and distribute as you find helpful. The Instructions for Prep and Quick Guide below are tools to help you prepare and lead a study.
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Engage your Instagram followers in a dynamic discussion about Jesus and racial justice.
The “Have You Eaten Yet?” Campaign invites us to reflect on our food, hospitality, and authentic community. Learn more about some of the fun HYEY-themed swag (buttons, cards, stickers, and more!) so you can give them away at tabling events, in care packages or goodie bags.
This session overviews some of our key ONSO marketing resources and models one example of “scrappy” online outreach using Instagram.