Faking It Proxe
We are all prone to “faking” something – pretending we’re happy when we’re not, pretending we know more than we do; we fake emotions and we fake behaviors. But God calls us to be real with him and with other people. InterVarsity’s new proxe station, “Faking It”, is a provocative interactive display to use on campus to meet strangers and invite them to join our “real” community. The station leads students through four panels, each one asking them to explore a different aspect of Faking It – how they fake it, what Jesus has to say about faking it and what it means to be real, and ultimately leading them to decide for themselves how they want to be real with God.
Proxe Snapshot:
Panel 1: Are college students fake?
Panel 2: How do you fake it?
Panel 3: Luke 18
Panel 4: How real do you want to be with God?
Download Faking It Panels (.zip)
Open Faking It Script (pdf handout)
Open Pocket Proxe (2-page pdf)
Open Pocket Proxe Script (pdf handout)
Open Student Training PowerPoint (Slides)
Open Graphics Pack (png)
Order the Proxes:
Faking it Pocket Proxe Bundle of 50
Faking it Stickers (InterVarsity Staff only)
Faking it Wristbands (InterVarsity Staff only)
Faking it T-shirts (InterVarsity Staff only)