Our world is frustratingly divided. But can we build bridges together while recognizing real differences? Yes!
Peace Feasts are an opportunity for Muslims and Christians to come together by sharing a delicious meal and having a real conversation about the things we care about. It’s not a formal dialogue, nor a place to argue. It’s a time to share from the heart, listen respectfully, and gain new friends. That’s a recipe to change the world!
Peace Feasts are happening on campuses across the country. Here’s what students are saying:
- “It was pretty obvious that we didn’t know each other’s faiths that well! This was a great chance to change that.”
- “It’s an opportunity to learn our religions’ similarities and differences. In that way, we can find sisterhood and brotherhood, and peace.”
- “It was very rewarding! I learned a lot and I found new friends.
- “Everyone’s asking if we can do this again next month!”
If you are willing to share a meal, you can be a peacemaker on campus. This guide has everything you need to plan your Peace Feast! Share it with a Muslim friend as you prepare together.
Resource Topic - Primary
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