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Questions Proxe square image
The Questions Proxe helps us share the gospel through engaging people's spiritual questions and uses the story of Jesus' encounter with a blind man to invite them to encounter Jesus themself by receiving prayer for areas they desire healing.
Questions Proxe square image
The Questions Proxe helps us share the gospel through engaging people's spiritual questions and uses the story of Jesus' encounter with a blind man to invite them to encounter Jesus themself by receiving prayer for areas they desire healing.
banner for march staff update
Welcome to the March edition of your Urbana 25 Staff Update—your go-to source for everything Urbana! This month, we're diving into key updates on staffing, recruitment, and program highlights.
urbana - Arizona rocks
Planning ahead for serving on-site at Urbana 25? This guide will help you and your supervisor estimate travel costs to Phoenix and incorporate them into your budget. Use these tips as a starting point but, remember, the final plan is up to you - based on your specific needs and circumstances.
notebook with paintbrushes and a pencil
Sketches of Leadership is a proven discipleship and leadership development curriculum for student leaders. Adapted from Rich Lamb's original work, these 4 Sketches (Leader as Advocate, Shepherd, Steward, and Patient) are among the most frequently used on campus.
A trail on a mountain
These mentoring questions are designed to guide meaningful conversations, foster reflection, and encourage personal growth. By helping mentees explore their thoughts, challenges, and spiritual development in a structured way, these questions serve as a valuable tool for deeper connection and growth.
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New Student Outreach for Large Chapters: Tips and Best Practices
Running New Student Outreach for a chapter that is 30 or more in size and has an established leadership team is exciting and a little daunting! We’ve compiled some best practices from staff from different parts of the country. These staff have different strategies (single chapter and multi-chapter) and each have worked with large chapters for a number of years—their wisdom at your finger tips!
How to Lead “At Large” Online Groups (ONSO Bootcamp Part 2) banner
This session of the ONSO Bootcamp provides tips on leveraging Zoom to create interactive transformative experiences. You'll also get overviews on two strategic pathways for “at large” online groups: the “Ignite” pathway with a focus on evangelism and the “Start Something New” pathway with a focus on starting InterVarsity.