Who Should use this Campaign?
While this campaign was designed by Asian American students and staff for an Asian American context, we think that these materials can be used in many different contexts. Feel free to contextualize these materials to your community!
Through this campaign, our vision is to see students across our Asian American chapters build trust with each other as they engage with this initial question, "Have you eaten yet?" This question will serve as an invitation to exploring the intersection of ethnicity and faith while considering the deeper implications of what it means to eat, individually and communally.
The HYEY campaign is an opportunity to build trust and create authentic conversations with each other. Explore how this question can impact your campus through your chapter or small group’s hospitality as your community strives to be a reflection of God’s hospitality on campus.
Campaign Overview
The HYEY campaign has four main components, including a small group Bible study series, swag collection, lunch break series, and proxe outreach series. Browse each below.