Start Something New Collection

InterVarsity's Chapter Planting strategy launches new witnessing communities (chapters) on college campuses with a vision to grow and multiply.

We believe Jesus is the Master Planter—somehow finding ways to start new life in the most spiritually desolate places on earth. We love to see the Master work, and we’re eager to be involved in it. We look around us and see the places and people that seem overlooked or forgotten, and it bothers us. It moves us. We feel compelled to do something about it. Deep down, we know that God is on a mission, and we sense him calling our names to join him.

The following are resources that will help you start something new on campus.

Learn more about Starting Something New.

A proxe station set up in the midst of a busy campus plaza
Prayer walk guide square
Prayer walks are a great way to encounter God on campus and explore what God's doing there. Prayer walks help us step out of what's familiar and embrace a posture of curiosity, humility, and expectancy. This resource will help you lead a prayer walk.
artwork from the encounters with Jesus GIG
This 5-week God-Investigation Group (GIG) series includes compelling illustrations, guided discussion, and application questions. Each study also has an accompanying leader's guide with community building suggestions, questions for going deeper, and other leadership insights.
encounters with Jesus apprenticeship guide
Do you already love using the Encounters with Jesus Series? Want to apprentice other students to lead simple impactful Bible studies too? This supplemental guide will help you empower an apprentice as you pass off more and more leadership over the course of the 5-week Encounters with Jesus series.
empower apprentices
Everything you do on campus with InterVarsity is an opportunity to empower new students! This resource will give you ideas and practical tools to share leadership, develop apprentices, and create a culture of empowerment.
A group of people sitting together
A Launch Gathering is a catalytic event that creates space for students to tell their faith stories and for new students to learn what InterVarsity is all about. This two-week guide will lead your group (a small group, a leaders team, or a core team) through the process of preparing, inviting for, and hosting your Launch Gathering.