Engage the Campus


Engage the Campus


NSO phase 2: Engage the Campus blue icon. A dining table with plates and spoons.


In the Engage phase, we’ve heard from Jesus and now we are doing the work of welcoming students to his table on new corners and campuses.

All Engage the Campus Resources

encounters with Jesus apprenticeship guide
Do you already love using the Encounters with Jesus Series? Want to apprentice other students to lead simple impactful Bible studies too? This supplemental guide will help you empower an apprentice as you pass off more and more leadership over the course of the 5-week Encounters with Jesus series.
empower apprentices
Everything you do on campus with InterVarsity is an opportunity to empower new students! This resource will give you ideas and practical tools to share leadership, develop apprentices, and create a culture of empowerment.

Pre-Made NSO Templates